For the first time, Latinos are the largest ethnic group in California — with 3.2 million eligible Latina voters, and when they’re registered to vote, Latinas turn out at an incredible 84%, surpassing their male counterparts!
This November, Latinas have the power to decide the political future of California – who our state and local leaders will be, and the state and local measures. To uplift this amazing power and community resources, Courage California Institute hosted Cafecito con Courage: A Latina Powered California Ballot Discussion on October 12, featuring fierce mujeres from our partner organizations Communities for a New California Education Fund, Chispa OC, and Data for Social Good.
Our Latina-powered California ballot discussion covered the power of the Latina vote, the 2024 California General Election ballot and the voting process, and an important conversation about how the different statewide ballot measures will impact our Comunidad.
Watch, share, and remember to return your 2024 General Election Ballot on or before November 5th!
Watch and Share: Cafecito con Courage
Resources and Guides:
- Lúcete virtual newspaper: Earn the Latina Vote 2024
- Lúcete & Data for Social Good: Statewide Polling
- Courage CA Inst. ballot guide (C3)
- Chispa ballot guide (C3)